Wednesday, February 10, 2010


I didn't really realize that it has been a full week since my last post, and unfortunately (or fortunately - depending on your point of view) I won't be making anymore posts for at least 30 days. We had a wonderfully refreshing evening at our weekly prayer service at church and God really convicted my heart and lead me to decide that I needed to make a few changes in my life for a while. Sooooo, to make a very long story short, I will not be on here, Facebook or any other time-consuming internet location nor will I be watching TV for the next 30 days. You could call it a fast if you want - although I will be checking my email, but other than that, I'm done for at least a month. I need to be spending that valuable time on things more important and precious to me, and that is first and foremost my relationship with Christ. So friends, adios! for now. I'll definitely let you know how this whole fasting experience ends up, but in the meantime say a prayer for me if you think about it. Pray that God would do some transformation in my heart as I try to give up some of the distractions that have kept me from pursuing Him with more abandon and more passion. Thanks :)

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