Monday, April 11, 2011

40 Days Later...

I must have amnesia. Apparently I made a promise on here not too long ago, that after failing miserably to keep the cyber world informed of our pregnancy journey, I would do better to blog about the happenings in our life from now on as it relates to our growing family. Whoops :) Seems as though I didn't keep that promise very well. So in honor of my aunt (who gently reminded me this weekend that I hadn't blogged in quite some time!), here I am to take another crack at this whole "being a good blogger" deal.

So, what has happened in the 40 days since I last blogged?

- We took a trip to Austin, Texas March 3rd-5th for some support raising training. That meant we had to leave Baby J for the first time since he was born. Now, Brett was used to being away from him due to work, but up until this point, I had not left him with anyone (other than Brett) for more than about 2 hours. Needless to say, it was super tough, and I definitely cried when I drove away without him the day we left. It was a rough 3 days for me, but Jonathan was fine and my parents loved having him while we were gone!

- Probably the biggest news we have to share from the past 40 days is the fact that Brett has officially quit his full-time security job to put all of his time and energy into support raising. We fully believe that God has called us to do ministry in Salt Lake City with Impact Campus Ministries, and because of that belief we are committed to doing everything we can to get out there as soon as possible, i.e. the decision for Brett to quit his job. Our goal is to be fully funded by the beginning of August so we can be there for the start of the school year, and so far God is doing some amazing things and working on our behalf to make that happen! (For those of you who are completely lost and may not know what I'm talking about, you can check Brett's blog for more details about what is going on with him in regards to ministry).

- We are also planning to move out of the house we are renting very soon! While I am definitely not looking forward to moving all of our stuff again - (3rd move in less than 3 years) - I am excited to downsize/simplify a little and know that we are one step closer to being in Salt Lake. As of right now, the plan is to move into a small cottage we've been offered by some friends from church until we leave for SLC. That means its time to start packing & cleaning and hopefully getting stuff together for a yard/garage sale before we move out! Lots to do, not lots of time!

- Oh yeah, and then there's Jonathan!! He officially rolled over for the first time on March 24th, and while I think the majority of the credit goes to his heavy noggin' we are excited to see all his developments! He's also smiling a lot has the beginnings of some adorable giggles! Here's the video of him rolling over if you didn't get to see it on Facebook!

I think that's about it. While the last 40 days have been filled with adventure, fear, some hardship and lots of unknowns, it has also been filled with lots of joy, happiness, excitement and anticipation for the future!